Public Procurements (IPA Programme) / Javne nabavke (IPA Program)
Supplies tender
Vehicles, furniture and IT equipment for the project “Increasing the Effectiveness of Employment Policies Towards Disadvantaged Groups” / Nabavka dobara - vozila, nameštaj i IT oprema za projekat “Povećanje delotvornosti politike zapošljavanja prema ugroženim grupama”
Prior information notice - supplies
Supply contract notice
Corrigendum No.1 to the Contract notice
Clarification No.1
Clarification No.2
Supply tender dossier
Supplies contract award notice
Services tender
Training programme in response to labour market needs within the project “Increasing the Effectiveness of Employment Policies Towards Disadvantaged Groups” / Nabavka usluga - Program obuke prema potrebama tržišta rada u okviru projekta “Povećanje delotvornosti politike zapošljavanja prema ugroženim grupama”
Prior information notice - services
Cancellation lot 2
Shortlist notice lot 1
Shortlist notice lot 3
Shortlist notice lot 4
Shortlist notice lot 5
Shortlist notice lot 6
Cancellation lot 1
awardnotice LOT 5
awardnotice LOT 4
awardnotice LOT 3
awardnotice LOT 6
Public call for the internship IPA 2012
Teкст Jавнoг пoзива за рeализациjу прoграма приправника
Списак руралних насeља (саставни дeo jавнoг пoзива)
Образац Захтeва за учeшћћe у прoграму приправника (саставни дeo jавнoг пoзива)
Образац Обавeштeњe дe минимис државна пoмoћ (саставни дeo jавнoг пoзива)